To further combat the spread of COVID-19, the City of Memphis has issued a Safer at Home Executive Order effective midnight March 24, 2020 until midnight April 7, 2020. The order is mandating that all residents stay inside their homes and immediately limit movement outside their homes except for taking care of essential needs. Here is the link to access the full executive order.
This order DOES NOT apply to essential businesses. You can click on this following link for a detailed list of what is considered essential and non-essential.
No Place Like Home is continuing to provide services to our patients during this time. We are grateful for each of you who are showing up and continuing to provide uninterrupted, excellent care for our kiddos and families. We could not do it without you!
Please be diligent to take care of yourself and limit your exposure to any nonessential areas during this time. If you or anyone in your household becomes sick with a fever, cough, sore throat, or flu-like symptoms, do not report to work and call the office immediately at 901-853-3999. As always, please do not text any NPLH numbers for call ins.
The RN supervisors will be contacting all our patient’s parents/caregivers within the next day or two to ensure they aware of the executive order and encourage them to do their part to protect you and their families. During the next several weeks, the supervisors will also be scheduling times with either the home nurse or the parent to complete any upcoming recertifications via FaceTime or Skype. This will help to limit further cross exposure from home to home.
At this time, we have no hand sanitizer and our orders have been rejected by the supplier due to the demand of facilities. We do have a limited amount of hand soap and Chris will be delivering that, as needed. Please, if you have soap and paper towels that you can take with you for your own personal use, I highly suggest that you keep it with you in case the home you go to does not have anything available. We are going to be making frequent stops to get supplies but as you know these are limited everywhere.
If you are stopped and need to verify you are an “essential worker” to someone you can have them call us at (901) 853-3999 and we will verify this with them over the phone.
Again, I cannot thank you all enough! If you need anything, please let us know and we will do our best to assist you.
You can find additional resources on the CDC website for COVID-19